Hi!! Today i wanted to talk about Transformation Church and their special series: CRAZY FAITH. I discovered this YouTube channel because of a nigth routine I was watching. This girl mentioned the church and I beging to be very curious about it, I´ve never heard of this church before, I did a little bit of investigation and actually found out that Pastor Michael Todd is the lead pastor of Transformation Church based in Tulsa, Oklahoma. He was appointed as Senior pastor by Bishop Gary McIntosh on February 15, 2015. His wife, Natalie is the co-lead pastor at the church. Transformation church was founded by Gary McIntosh and his wife Debbie. Unit was founded in Tulsa in 1963 by King Kirchner and Don Bodard, who purchased it from Woolaroc Oil Co. I got a much more interest about this when i found out that this church was created in Tulsa when them were having a conflict about race, it was really impresive that the ones that found the church were white people and wanted to have a peacefull space so everyone felt inlcuided. CRAZY FAITH is a series about having crazy faith in everything you want in life, in putting all of your faith in everything you do, in everything you believe, thinking that good things are going to happend to you if you have: CRAZY FAITH. Pastor Michael Todd explains in a very funny and special way how you can have crazy faith too if you put your plans and goals in God's hands, he explains how sometimes God's Plans may look a little bit cuestionable, and still being the best way, because he would want to see you in the best place you can be. Something it was very unique for me to see was that he have two chairs on the show, a tinny, tinny, little one, and a normal one. He ivited a men from the public to see in wich chair he will sit on. As a big guy he choose the big and normal one. So then Pastor Todd says to him: What if I tell you, the tinny chair is God´s Plan? Then the guy stars to laugh and says: I will still sit on the big chair. So Pastor Todd proceeded to sit in the tinny chair and everyone was laughing. He saids again: Now you have seen the tinny chair suports a lot of weigth. In wich chair you are going to sit now? The Guy saids again: In the Big One. Everyone was laughing so much at this point so Pastor Todd says: This is the exact example in the human no beliveing in the plan that God have for us, why always question him because we want something better, we want the things like we said it ourselfs, and we go to the wrong pats, we go through pain so much because we dont have CRAZY FAITH!! He told that when Noah´s Ark was built becuase in earth was going to be a Great Flood, he believe in God´s word, even when he have never seen rain!!! That's CRAZY FAITH! So when the guy proceded to sit in the cahir and seeing that this one suport him, todd said that as humas we waist so much time not believing in God´s plan even when he knows already what is the best for us.
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